Thank you for your kind words. I appreciate what you have to say, and I'm glad that my article helped you in some way.
One of the things that I think has a negative impact on people is social media. It has made people more casual and has made them believe what they see without checking or verifying the validity of the information. Social media has also lost the personal identity of people, making them somehow clones.
The internet is supposed to help people learn. Free thinking comes from knowledge and research. We should not look at things from a single perspective, nor should we be too rigid in our opinions. Most importantly, we should not judge others, as our diversity is our strength. However, from my point of view, humans currently and in the past feel safe when they see people who believe in what they believe in. They feel reassured when they are around people like them. Difference is difficult for some people because it is not easy to tear down the walls that have been built in their minds by society, religion, and the media.
We are all brothers and sisters who share the same planet. We must accept each other in order to live in peace, even for once in our history. We have evolved enough to drive the instinct of war out of our souls, not to develop it.
A hero is someone who chooses to live independently from others, in other words, someone who chooses not to be like the rest of the herd.
M.A. Sonncraft